Happy Holidays 2016 from Movemeback!
Welcome to the final Movemeback newsletter of 2016! We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being a part of the Movemeback global movement and for your contributions in making this community the driving force that it is.
And what a year it has been! As you can see from the list below, it’s three days to Christmas and opportunities are still flying in from all corners of the Continent. But as we also know, the story hasn’t been so predictable throughout 2016.
We started the year observing stock-markets playing “truth or dare”, oil prices rivalling Supermalt and “Africa Rising” seeming to some as nothing more than the opening scene of a Nollywood science-fiction movie. We knew it was going to be a year of uncertainty but perhaps we weren’t quite ready for how deep and how globally those shocks would present themselves. Yet here we all are – still dreaming, believing and achieving!
With many of the outcomes of 2016 about to be fully realised in 2017, it seems that another year of uncertainty, surrealism and potential division lies ahead. What better time to take a step back and reflect on the things that always seem to see us through these moments – loved-ones, hope, opportunity, and of course community. We’ll still be here supporting you in 2017 – see you there!!
Happy Holidays!