Ni Hao: Return From Asia!
Ni Hao!
Welcome to the latest instalment of your Movemeback Newsletter – bringing you exciting African opportunities, and the latest from the Movemeback Community.
It’s been a while since you last heard from us, yet we return bearing gifts fresh from our travels to the far-east. Our commitment to shape and accelerate Africa’s social and economic development transcends geographical borders and our efforts to expand Movemeback’s global reach is constantly rewarded with our discovery of African excellence in all corners of the globe. Most recently, we graced Singapore and Hong Kong with exciting anecdotes from our work on the continent and the ever-impressive activities of our members.
With strong communities of exceptional members on virtually every continent, you’ll be pleased to know you are part of one of the most formidable African focused communities in the world! With that knowledge in hand we are ever more focused on continuing to deliver exciting African opportunities. We are also creating the vehicles for members to interact, collaborate and build African solutions to further drive impact on the continent.
Finally with the end of the year drawing ever closer, we’re happy to say there’s no slow down in the MMB Africa program. Catch us in Accra, Ghana for the Africa Technology Summit; in Pennsylvania, US for the Wharton Africa Forum 2015; in Kampala, Uganda for more work with start-ups; in Abu Dhabi to further expand our footprint and of course back to London for this year’s TEDxEuston 2015!
Thank you to all of you who continue to help us shape the Movemeback community and please do help us to keep building by referring other great minds to join us. Do get in touch if there is anything we can be helping you with.
Best regards,
Charles, Oyin & The Movemeback team