Movemeback partners with LSE Africa Summit 2015
If you follow us on social media you should be aware from our many announcements of our partnership with LSE for the Africa Summit 2015. If in the unlikely case you weren’t aware, two things:
- Where have you been?
- Follow us, we have exciting updates you just can’t afford to miss out on!
With that said, we are pleased to inform you that Movemeback have partnered with On the Rise Africa as official media partners. As the event draws nearer; 3 days, 6 hours, and just under 10 mins to be precise (not like we are counting or anything), the team are hard at work organising and preparing the final touches for the big day.
Gideon, our Community Manager has been hard at work engaging top writers and journalists, running them through drills to ensure that all memoirs fully satisfy the richness of the two day conference – a term he phrases as ‘getting the engines humming’. Overdosed fan of Fast and Furious? Perhaps.
What we are sure of, is that we are focused, our cameras are charged, our bags are packed, pencils sharpened, and our team are ready.
On a separate note, we want to say thank you to the support of our members, and thank you to the LSE Africa Summit organisers for the privilege of being a part this. We are extremely proud to be supporting their lead in opening a wider discussion and encouraging a much needed dialogue among those interested in the African continent. It surely is due time to tackle Africa’s most pressing issues.
If you didn’t manage to reserve a ticket or are unable to attend the event you can find comfort in knowing that we have got you covered. If you are attending make sure you come and say hi!
[…] continent by storm (more on that later) and two very special upcoming events at the LBS & LSE. As always, get in touch if there is anything we can be helping you with, and please do continue […]