Meet the Movemeback Team: Past and Present
We’ve had a lot of talented people contribute to the Movemeback journey thus far. They have given their passion, time and energy to make Africa’s most exciting and unique opportunities accessible, and help us build a community of exceptional individuals. Some have gone on to do brilliant things and so, to highlight them, we thought we’d give you a look behind the curtain at the Movemeback team and alumni, past and present.
Movemeback is truly a global community, comprising members in 170+ countries, and our team is no different. We’ve had team members from over 16 countries across 4 continents!
What one thing can the world learn from Africa?
We asked some of our current team and alumni for their insights and got some interesting answers… Get to know us and let us know your answer in the comments!
Movemeback Team: Past and Present

Abi – Mar 2018 to date
What do you do? Member & Organisation Communications / Account Management. This involves communicating and supporting our members as they navigate the platform and our opportunities, enabling them to make the most of our opportunities, and ensuring we remain in touch with our members’ needs and requirements, in order to develop the products and services to ensure these are met, which enables them to achieve their personal objectives. My work on the organisation side involves developing our relationships with our partner organisations, getting to know them and their needs and supporting the communication of their opportunities in order to connect them with our members successfully.
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? I believe that it is both important and positive. The advancement of technology has in many ways made us more connected with one another, yet somehow it has simultaneously managed to disconnect us from one another. Movemeback’s work represents the importance of connecting in all aspects of life and no matter who you are. It also highlights the power that can be unleashed when humans utilise technology to connect with opportunities and each other.
What can the world learn from Africa? Resilience, Resourcefulness & Creativity, How to be both an individual yet part of a whole i.e. Africa has its commonalities yet each African country somehow still manages to maintain a strong sense of their individuality.

Abraham – 2017-2019
What did you do? I worked as a Relationship Manager. My work involved working with our clients to understand their hiring needs and expectations and identifying the best candidates who meet that need and who would add value to the team.
What are you up to now? I am completing a graduate degree at Harvard and also work as a member of a founding team for a startup helping Canadian companies hire international technical talents.
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? Movemeback is filling a major gap in the ecosystem. Movemeback is now the one-stop-shop for access to top opportunities on the African continent and also the channel for organisations to reach top talents with connection to the African continent. I believe Movemeback can also be the voice that tells the story of Africa for people outside looking in and for people in the continent who may not be aware of things going on in the continent. And I know there are a lot of people who will miss Movemeback if it ceases to exist.
What can the world learn from Africa? I would say being human and being part of a community. African societies are defined a lot by relationships; family, community, friendships, etc. In a world where technology and individualism is taking over every inch of our daily lives, the need to be more human and connected is needed more than ever. The need to connect, reach out to people, build a community that really cares not because some app or science journal said so but because that is what we need to be more alive. The world needs more human touch and I can’t think of a place where that works more than Africa. (I can write a whole essay on this but let’s stop here…)
Resilience, Resourcefulness & Creativity

Ade – 2016-2017
What did you do? Relationship Manager
What are you up to now? I’m a Young Adult Ministry Leader at my Church, a Movemeback Ambassador, and working on a career switch into Tech.
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? I think MMB plays a major role in helping reverse brain drain in Africa. It equips people who want to make a positive change there with an amazing network. MMB highlights some of the most innovative companies in Africa and makes it easy for members to contribute to their growth and impact. It connects entrepreneurs to mentors, collaborators and potential co-founders. Over time, I think the MMB network will become even stronger and more united. I’m excited to see what the future holds for Africa because of companies like Movemeback.
What can the world learn from Africa? Africans have an amazing entrepreneurial spirit. Many get knocked down a lot but they get right back up. Entrepreneurship is a path that’s encouraged for almost everyone, even for people who have full-time jobs and most entrepreneurs have an army of people rooting for them. That’s a long answer but I guess what I’m trying to say is the typical transplant to Africa will develop resilience, improve creativity, and learn the importance of community because they are thrust into that entrepreneurial environment.

Ahmed (Taweel) – Aug 2018 to date
What do you do? Software Developer
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? I see it’s important, as someone living in Africa. I see a lot of opportunities in Africa but no resources, so guidance is needed.
What can the world learn from Africa? Natural resources only does some work, good management works better.
Movemeback is filling a major gap in the ecosystem

Akida – Sep 2015 to date
What do you do? Relationship Manager – I connect Movemeback members to African opportunities, and each other.
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? I’m reminded every day of the effect that Movemeback’s existence has had on people’s lives. The positive stories we hear from members at every stage of their “Africa journey” – be they connecting with other Africa enthusiasts in their (off-continent) city, collaborating to build businesses that solve African problems, or finding new jobs and opportunities to create impact – are heartwarming, inspiring and exciting in equal measure!
What can the world learn from Africa? Tenacity, resilience and creativity

Amir – Aug 2019
What do you do? Software Developer
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? It can be like a window for the world to connect to Africa’s markets, capabilities and opportunities. It’s not event listing or a recruitment system only but a full community focusing on African markets. One day it can be like a marketing platform so companies, governments or even people can market themselves there in a more focused way.
What can the world learn from Africa? Africa has many countries with totally different cultures, languages, religions, nature and traditions so it’s hard to say, but I’ll list two things from my narrow perspective
1- You don’t need money to enjoy life or be happy and, as you go to poorer areas, you’ll find happiness and more communication
2- Yes, life is quick and you have to catch it, but enjoying the moments is so good too, so take your time, and look around.
** The two points have too many perspectives and started to decrease as Africa is importing the key of success and happiness from the West and trying to implement it there hoping to have similar economies and lives, but I think it will end in a weird transformation…
The need to be more human and connected is more necessary now than ever before

Eshaan – 2019
What did you do? My role primarily focused on two areas: data analysis and product development.
I compiled a salary report, among other things. This report was then used to gain a clearer understanding of MMB’s members and provide more accurate information to customers.
My second role involved using the programming language JavaScript (React) to construct web pages – specifically web forms – that would allow Movemeback’s users to host events and initiatives.
What are you up to now? I am currently studying economics, however I am completing a work placement for one year.
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? I think it’s excellent and much needed. Africa is bursting with opportunities and having MMB as a reliable and helpful platform is a great way for individuals as well as organisations to be able to contribute to and be rewarded by the continent.
What can the world learn from Africa? Adaptability. Despite harsh terrain and difficult political circumstances like corruption and foreign interference, many countries and their populations have shown persistent adaptability. One of the many examples is the growth in African entrepreneurship following the commodity bubble burst, as people and companies were forced to innovate to survive.

Felix – 2019
What did you do? At Movemeback I designed different T-shirts for the team. I developed the pilot communication materials for the audience on the Local Communities project. After deep market research, I designed and created screens for the MMB mobile app. I helped to improve collaborations, initiatives and opportunities; I started this by creating a survey. I developed Digital Marketing ideas. I represented Movemeback at the Aleto leadership programme.
What are you up to now? About to finish my A-levels and go to University
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? I appreciate and support the MMB community. MMB has very interesting ideas and is able to deliver a big impact in African countries and the society as a whole. I hope their community keeps growing and they’re able to contribute to the globalisation process, especially through the attraction of investments to the African continent.
What can the world learn from Africa? That whatever the life conditions are, there is always space to dance, laugh and enjoy the beauty of life.
Everybody who has a connection to Africa has an appreciation for the continent’s potential. Movemeback’s work inspires the realisation of this potential

Inez – 2015
What did you do? As the Student Engagement Lead, I supported Movemeback in devising its strategy to extend its platform to students. I also represented Movemeback at academic conferences soliciting new leads and sharing the brand with prospective partners.
What are you up to now? Fixed Income Sales at Bank of America
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? The work Movemeback does continues to grow in relevance as growth-starved corporations and economies turn to Africa for new opportunities.
What can the world learn from Africa? Let innovation lead.

James – 2016-2019
What did you do? Product Manager
What are you up to now? I am working with senior elected officials across the main political parties to promote and encourage the positive integration of disadvantaged and minority communities into British democracy and civil society.
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? I believe the work Movemeback does is extremely important, particularly at a time like this. Particularly its work around mobilising and unleashing Africa’s talent at scale.
What can the world learn from Africa? Resilience! I think the world can and should learn from Africa’s resilience.
I’m excited to see what the future holds for Africa because of companies like Movemeback

Jordan – 2019
What did you do? I spent my time at MMB as a Content Intern
What are you up to now? I am a final year Geography undergraduate at King’s College London and I am in the process of finishing my final assignments leading to my graduation.
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? Movemeback is an organisation that offers a broad range of services to the African continent. Whilst interning at MMB, I was exposed to the expertise of those around me and how there is a common vision towards shaping and accelerating economic and social development of the African continent. MMB and the work they do showed me how the future of the African continent is exciting and with the right players shaping the acceleration of capital, there is a bright future for the continent.
What can the world learn from Africa? Africa is a continent with a vast amount of resources and social capital with a competitive advantage. The future of the African continent is exciting as there is a broad range of opportunities inside and outside the continent with the rise of the diasporan community responsible for bringing this social capital back to our continent.

Kristina – 2016
What did you do? Summer Intern
What are you up to now? Recently graduated from King’s College London with my Postgraduate degree
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? I believe Movemeback’s mission and work incredibly inspiring and of such importance for Africa as a continent. Having grown up in South Africa and knowing a business like Movemeback exists makes me hopeful for the future of the continent as a whole, and proud to have been able to play even a tiny role in its work.
What can the world learn from Africa? Looking at the current times we are finding ourselves in and having to re-think how we as humans live and operate in the world, I would say the world could learn two things from Africa. For one, it could learn from it’s people’s resilience and optimism. Secondly, it could also learn from the spirit of Ubuntu, the Zulu proverb (in short) describing the belief of the interconnection of all of humanity. Essentially, “I am because you are”.
What can the world learn from Africa?
Extreme resourcefulness, maybe shamelessness too at times

Mai – Jul 2019 to date
What do you do? Software Engineer
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? Promising, interesting and challenging.
What can the world learn from Africa? How to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

Martha – 2015
What did you do? Business Growth Analyst – Supported a number of growth initiatives at MMB
What are you up to now? Investment Associate at a Private Equity firm
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? Movemeback connects high-calibre people with exciting opportunities in Africa
What can the world learn from Africa? United we stand, divided we fall.
Let innovation lead

Mikolaj – Feb 2018 to date
What do you do? Front-End Developer
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? We help with the connection and growth of Africa
What can the world learn from Africa? People in Africa seem to be easygoing, so that’s definitely a thing that people in Poland could learn, because we are so uptight 🙁

Nonso – 2016-2018
What did you do? Analyst
What are you up to now? Revenue Delivery Analyst at British Airways
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? Connecting the wider world with African opportunities both on the ground and virtually through people and organisations.
What can the world learn from Africa? Extreme resourcefulness, maybe shamelessness too at times
The world can, and should, learn from Africa’s resilience

Sebastian – Mar 2020 to date
What do you do? Research Assistant
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? Movemeback provides a linkage through connecting individuals and organisations in Africa across an online social, professional network that enables them to get exclusive opportunities i.e. financial support to aid them in starting up and scaling-up to meet their needs (mission, vision & values).
What can the world learn from Africa? To recognise Africa as an opportunity rather than a threat which would help in better positioning to face challenges and boost positive trends.

Seyoung – 2019
What did you do? Backend software developer/ engineering Intern – I mainly dealt with Python, AWS and machine learning.
What are you up to now? Currently, I am still enrolled in the third year of Chemical Engineering in Imperial College London. Moreover, further developing the skills I had gained from Movemeback, I obtained an opportunity to work as technology intern at IBM this coming summer.
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? I am very positive about the work done at Movemeback especially because it is done for good purposes – trying to work as an international platform for high-potential African people. I have seen similar companies but Movemeback differentiates itself by its noble purposes. I hope Movemeback could increase its influence to reach out to people in need by working in many different directions.
What can the world learn from Africa? I believe the world can learn the fact that in African cultures it is prevalent to respect the elderly. Since the elders have gained some knowledge from their own experience, I believe we can consult a way to do certain things that Google cannot tell us.
Be innovative in unstable times

Shiyin (Lanfear) – 2018
What did you do? Data Science Intern – I developed a recommendation AI system
What are you up to now? 3rd year undergraduate
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? It’s a platform aimed at connecting individuals and organisations with African opportunities.
What can the world learn from Africa? Revere nature. Africans have their own faith and respect wild animals. Any kind of development can’t build on destroying our environment. Africans are devout believers and I think the world should learn from Africa. We can’t survive if the environment becomes worse due to human beings’ activities.

Simon – Apr 2020 to date
What do you do? Intern
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? I think MMB is doing amazing work to drive innovation and development across Africa. Right now it is focused on jobs and increasing employment on the continent but I believe MMB is truly destined for greater things.
What can the world learn from Africa? How to be innovative in unstable times. Africans are always pushing their limits and not letting the situations around them define who they are and what they can do.

Stephen – 2015 & 2017
What did you do? Research Intern -I identified great prospective members, evaluated Movemeback’s advertisement and presence on social media, and conducted a variety of research tasks such as identifying relevant organisations/institutions to partner with and establishing ways to engage with target communities.
What are you up to now? I’m working at Hill + Knowlton Strategies, an international public relations company, as an Account Executive in the Energy + Industrials team.
What’s your perspective on the work Movemeback does? It’s exciting. Everybody who has a connection to Africa has an appreciation for the continent’s potential. Movemeback’s work inspires the realisation of this potential. The company’s vision is one that is shared by past, present and future generations.
What can the world learn from Africa? The ability to be resourceful.
What do you think we can learn from Africa?